We offer an extensive range of clays bodies of red earthenware, white earthenware and stoneware.

A range of clays, bodies of red earthenware, white earthenware and stoneware.

Clay samples are always available free of charge. These are in the form of small (approx 1Kg) packs. If you require anything larger, please ask and we will try to obtain a larger sample for you. Clay is usually supplied in 12.5kg bags.

SSB/8 Stoneware 1150-1280

Outstanding and extremely well behaved general purpose clay which is plastic and resilient. Containing a selected fine grog, excellent for throwing, casting and hand modelling. Suitable for oxidised firing.

SSB/8G Stoneware 1150-1280

The same as SSB/8 but containing 10% 60 mesh grog for strength. Suitable for throwing and all forms of hand building. Excellent resistance to warping and cracking.

SP/1 Stoneware 1150-1280

Recommended maximum 1280. Medium shrinkage. A medium textured multi purpose clay giving a typical speckle under oxidation. It is equally useful for throwing large or small ware having a medium grog addition.

Fleck Stoneware 1150-1280

An excellent clay for both throwing and casting gives an attractive dark speckle on a grey buff background. The iron bleeds through at high temperature to give a reduction effect under oxidised conditions.

RS Toasted 1140-1250

An outstanding body comprising of carefully blended stoneware and red earthenware clays. Contains a selected fine grog, giving a pleasant reduction effect under oxidising conditions. Suitable for throwing, hand building or casting.

Crank Body 1150-1280

This body has a high proportion of heavy grog (20/30) making it ideal for large scale work whilst retaining good throwing properties. Fires to a warm tan colour in reduction, cooler in oxidisation. Its low shrinkage and resistance to thermal shock make it ideal for raku.

Stoneware Buff 1140-1260

A splendidly developed body, based on highly refractory fire clays and grog additives, giving a high resistance to warping and cracking. A very plastic general purpose clay, excellent for throwing and modelling, fires to a light grey.

Buff Grog 1140-1260

As Stoneware Buff but with a 10% 60s sand added for extra tooth.

AWS/1 White Stoneware 1240-1280

A body of selected low iron clays giving a light fired colour providing an ideal background for more decorative stoneware. The high content of ball clay with added fine washed sand gives an excellent smooth body ideal for throwing.

AWS/1G White Stoneware 1240-1280

As per AWS/1 but containing 10% 40/90 grade sand.

Modelling Clay Stoneware 1060-1280

A fireclay based sanded body medium coarseness with good hand building properties.

Super White Stoneware 1220-1280

A very smooth stoneware clay, firing to an off white colour, which is highly plastic and suitable for throwing medium pieces as well as fine details for modelling. A small amount of fine molochite makes this clay highly versatile.

SRB/8 Earthenware Red Terracotta 1060-1160

A highly recommended red terracotta body, based on a blend of Etruria marls. Highly plastic for throwing, handling and casting. Fires to a medium red becoming darker with increased temperature.

SRB/8G Earthenware 1060-1160

Same as SRB/8 with a standard 10% of 40/90 sand added giving a smooth to coarse texture. Extra percentages and coarser grogs are available and can be added to suit customer requirements.

SRB/8S Earthenware 1060-1160

As SRB/8 but produced to provide a much finer texture. Suitable when a extra smooth finish is required

Evans Earthenware 1060-1160

Based on Etruria marls, highly plastic with good throwing properties. A heavily sanded red open body, excellent stability to warping.

SWE Earthenware Off White 1100-1220

A very plastic white earthenware body which throws quite easily on the wheel. Ball clay based, wide firing range, good green strength.

FEB03 Earthenware White Casting Body 1100-1200

FEB03 white earthenware body has been developed specifically with casting in mind. White firing with good crazing resistance.

Air Drying Stoneware

This clay is a mixture of Nylon fibres and our plastic clays ideal for making models without the use of kilns , once dried models can be painted & varnished with acrylic paints .

Air Drying Terracotta

This clay is a mixture of Nylon fibres and our plastic clays ideal for making models without the use of kilns , once dried models can be painted & varnished with acrylic paints .

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